satish Kumar Interview Seosiren

Best SEO Strategies 2013:Interview with Satish Kumar of


Hi welcome All, today we are having Satish Kumar from discussing various aspects of SEO & Best blogging tactics. He is well known SEO guy among bloggers in India.  So I hope you enjoy his interview and please if you have any questions then drop your queries in comment section, we will try to answer your each query. So Lets start with Satish 🙂

satish Kumar Interview Seosiren


            I’m Satish from, and currently I run my own Startup business at Pyrite Technologies Private Limited in Hyderabad. People know me popularly as SEO Expert in Hyderabad and I have worked for many international and national websites on SEO, Analytics and Spam Removal.

I deal with only SEO, Spam Removal, Analytics, and I’m focusing one writing my 3rd SEO Book (Sorry, Cannot Display the Title), which will be probably out by January 2014. I’m very excited to announce this on Digit Crunch, as this book will reveal amazing techniques and metrics of ranking a website in 2014.

Can you tell us something about your blogging journey. How and when did you enter into blogging? And who are your blogging role models?

Earlier in 2009, I had a routine of reading many popular blogs and websites online. One day I saw a post on how to make your own blog for free, and concentrated to make my own blog immediately. I started my blogging career with a, which transformed to in May 2010.

I entered into blogging to make some money and reputation online, but things got changed so much, that I started to focus on producing great content and information. Later I started to learn about SEO, and achieved some great results in ranking a website. I personally didn’t have any blogging role models at that time, but I used to follow every blog which used to talk about blogging and making money online.

What are your top favorite 3 tools for managing social media campaigns and why?

I purely concentrate on SEO, not much into SMO. But my team manages some advance tools like Tweetmeme, HootSuite, Twitterfeed and Buffer.

Do you Pinterest for your business, what kind of pinterest tools you use.

As told earlier, I concentrate very less on Social media, but I suggest my team and people to use Woobox Pinterest Facebook Page Tab, Pic monkey Pinpuff and Etc.

 If you are familiar with Internet marketing what kind of tactics you use for your blog reader engagement.

Internet marketing is usually about Affiliate marketing and Niche marketing. I’m not much into Clickbank Affiliate marketing, but was doing decent enough in Amazon Affiliates. IM is not a big deal when you do it right. It is a combination of content marketing, SEO, SMO, techniques, probability, backlinks and etc. I personally love AdSense Niche marketing, as it will help you to make decent money with white hat SEO techniques.

What Is Your SEO Super Power?

I’m working on SEO from past 3 years and saw many variations on how to rank a website. My SEO super power is both on-page and off-page, but I personally like finding high converting keywords, getting quality backlinks, SEO localization and some other secret strategies which will rank a website in Google.

How Do You Conduct An SEO Experiment?

This completely depends on niche to niche. I usually spend my time in finding a solid way of getting keywords ranked. Usually it starts with keyword research, and end with backlinks.

What kind of SEO Tools Do You Use and Why?

There are many favorite tools in SEO where I spend most of time. You can explore some paid SEO tools like

  •, Majestic SEO, Open Site Explorer.
  •, and Website Auditor.
  • Wordtracker, Long Tail Pro, Market Samurai.
  • Rank Tracker, Advanced Web Ranking and etc.


What blogs do you read? Tell me about an article you recently read that stuck out to you.

I spend most of my time in popular SEO blogs like,

  • Search Engine Land,
  • Search Engine Journal,
  • Moz Blogs, Hacker News,
  • Quick Sprout, Kissmetrics, Webmaster World and Etc.

Recently I read an article on Google Hummingbird Unleashed on Moz. That was really amazing. It had some much information about hummingbird, that it actually stuck in my mind for a week.

A client asks you to build a strategic plan for their website. What steps would you go through?

There are some high standards in SEO, which you cannot discuss on public forum. You will know it when you are my client! J But I basically start with website auditing, exploring negative factors if any, then start my plan on how to find and rank their keywords.

What are the Secrets of Affiliate Marketing and are you associated with any kind of affiliates.

I’m being active with Clickbank, Amazon and other affiliates, but I personally made decent money with Amazon, when compared to Clickbank. The biggest secrets for Clickbank affiliates is backlinks, and for amazon its good content and backlinks. Try to get as many backlinks as possible with both white and grey hat techniques.

Do you use Blackhat SEO tactics in a white hat way. Like scrapebox …

I tried using Magic Submitter, SENUKU and Scrapebox, but wasn’t that successful to manage. I used these tools for a month, and decided they are not my cup of tea. In fact Blackhat SEO was never my cup of tea.

What are your biggest client hurdles?

Educating the client on slow and steady SEO white hat process is really challenging. Clients want quick backlinks and easy traffic in less time. This is quite difficult when you want to try to grow a business with a long term approach.

On Optimizing a Site – Briefly Tell us what a Search-friendly Site Looks Like?

There are many SEO friendly websites around our blogosphere. You can check out, and etc.

On Google – Tell me about the Latest Changes at Google

You might have heard about the Google Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird algorithm. Whatever updates it might be, Google never penalizes a website with high quality.

Do you think 3rd party blog post links and eBook submissions are playing vital role these days?

Of course they will, but make sure you are getting a high quality links form authority sites.

Is Author Rank is the latest technique of off page SEO? Do you think Google give preference to this?

In my previous hangouts I’ve discussed about the importance of Google Author Rank. It is really very important to have Google Authorship to your website. Your CTR and SERP’s will really improve with little optimization.

What are some examples of how you have worked to sell your ideas in collaborative environments?

You have to be a good speaker to sell your services and skills. Always be transparent with what you will deliver when agreed upon the project. Honesty is the best policy in SEO business. I marketed myself with eBooks, free SEO reports and etc.

What Are Your Relationship Building and Outreach Skills?

Always respond to each and every person whenever they require you. Try to guide, teach and educate people when they want some information from you. This will help you to grow your business, skills and kindness.

Do You Share Your Strategies Transparently With the SEO Community?

I discuss most of my SEO strategies with fellow bloggers, SEO experts and friends. But there are some special techniques which you cannot discuss in public forums. Because with great techniques comes great responsibilities. Recently I shared some important news to apply, learn and pass basic Google Analytics exam. One guy was silly enough to post the key and answers in Facebook and tagged everyone. This made me to think about the SEO strategies which shouldn’t reach the common audience with 100% transparency. Sometimes you shouldn’t let your solid strategies to go into wrong hands.

This made me to write my 3rd Book (Cannot reveal the book name) which will explore the SEO strategies, secrets and techniques you should learn in 2014. When you buy your own book, you will obviously not discuss that with anyone in public. Learn, Educate and be transparent. You should learn to give respect to your time as well. All the best! 

Finally done with interview :)  so I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview. If you like to ask any questions regarding this interview or you have any thoughts to share , please drop in the comment section. Your queries will be answered.  You can also Join BloggersIdeas on Facebook & Google+ for more similar updates.



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