
Increasing Your Sales, Conversions & Profitability With Video Marketing


Many businesses are now adopting video marketing as part of their core marketing strategy as most have realized that videos are a great way to advertise their products, services and attract more potential customers via search.

It is a sensible approach to online marketing because it holds the attention of the user longer than any other medium we have today. If you are planning to adopt video marketing to help you get more customers, here are some tips that will help make your campaign successful.


TIP #1:

The whole approach may seem intimidating as you may think that you will have to buy all the right equipment and then know how to make a film. This is not true. All you need is a decent camera that is mounted and then some content for your video OR, you could simply outsource the entire production process.

TIP #2:

Don’t limit the number of videos that you upload. Make as many as possible so that you can increase your exposure and teach people as many different things as possible about your product.

TIP #3:

One of the most important things when you are making a video is the title. It is what will make people click on your video link to watch. Take some time to come up with powerful, relevant, interesting topics for all your videos.

TIP #4:

Although they say that the easiest way to get attention from online user is through video, this is not guaranteed. If you don’t make an impression within the first 15 seconds, research shows that people move on. Use these 15 seconds to hook them with something that they did not expect. After that, they will want to watch all the way to the end.

TIP #5:

Using a team is a good way of making video interesting. Sound out friends and family and even colleagues and incorporate their ideas and participation.

TIP #6:

Some people are under the impression that to make a good online video requires a lot of money. This is not true at all. All you need is an good set-up and your own time or a good platform that allows you to create killer videos – Amimoto is a good starting point for creating videos for any Video Marketing campaign.

As long as you can come up with good content and you have a personality that will keep the viewers’ attention, you will be fine. Be sure to speak with a tone that is confident and clear.

TIP #7:

You must always strive for fresh, interesting content for all your viewers. This will make them come back time and time again because they know that they are getting something new and interesting every time. Reading is one way of getting ideas. You can also watch other online videos so that you can get ideas. It is important that you keep up with the trends so that you can know what people are looking for.

TIP #8:

Because videos expose your personality, make sure to come across as someone who can be liked and trusted. This means that you have to look happy and you have to look like you are fully engaged in what you are dong.

If this does not come very naturally to you, ask someone else to appear on the video in your place. There are people who you can hire to appear and they don’t cost a lot of money.

TIP #9:

Allow for people to comment and then respond to the comments. If you don like where the conversation is going, you can disable the comment function.

TIP #10:

Remember to link and share all of your videos on your social media profiles and with friends. This is how videos go viral.

Making a video to help increase customer base is easy if you follow these tips. The tricky part is making sure that you track all of them for feedback.



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