Ankit-SIngla Interview

Interview with Ankit Singla from Bloggertipstricks: Sharing Best Blogging Strategies




Hey You bloggers we are back again with amazing interview. As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we have Ankit Singla from & Techclicko who have Over 1.5 years experience in affiliate, SEO, search, social and content marketing for small businesses. He will be answering various questions related to Digital Media & other Internet Marketing stuffs . So lets start with the interview.

Ankit-SIngla Interview

Can you tell us something about your blogging journey. How and when did you enter into blogging? And who are your blogging role models?

I came to know about blogging 4 years back after attending a seminar on ‘Make money with Google Adsense’. I did a lot of research on it and create my first blog in year 2010.

I can’t say who is my blogging role model because I started blogging only because of my interest.

What are your top favorite 3 tools for managing social media campaigns and why ?

Yes, I use the world’s largest Social Media tool and that’s Facebook..My campaigns are running through facebook. After making every post I market them with Facebook Fan pages and Facebook Groups.Where I get More Targeted traffic which can easily boost my blog engagement and sales.

Do you Pinterest for your business, what kind of pinterest tools you use.

I’ve heard that pinterest is one of the growing social media but the major problem with pinterest is that about 80% of the users are Womens. I’m not saying that womens are not interested in blogging and make money stuffs but in pinterest most of them I found out is recipe lovers. So I’m not concentrating much on Pinterest. As I already said I love targeted traffic.

If you are familiar with Internet marketing what kind of tactics you use for your blog reader engagement.

I’m not that much familiar with internet marketing like what others do. But with my potential I make around $800/Month. This may sound low or great, anyway I use a single tactic. “Collect the Trust of My Readers” Actually I don’t even like disturbing or irritating my readers .

Before placing a single ad or a pop-up box I think twice. Grabbing daily readers is difficult job in my point of view. Seeking their attention is also one of the difficult things. Only hard work can make this thing’s happen in the right manner. So I work hard to make my readers happy and as a regard they believe the products I recommend then finally a good amount of Income I get out of it.

That’s the real tactic I use.

What Is Your SEO Super Power?

The answer for this Question may sound weird but to be honest I don’t do that much of Off Page SEO, I mostly concentrate on ON Page SEO. I’ve some common strategies in Onpage SEO and I do use SEO pressor plugin.

As I said I don’t care much on off page SEO but Social Media Optimization is one of my weakness and I think I’m doing good with it.But the best thing I’ve found out is that I get some good organic traffic with my current strategies. So that’s my Super Power.

How Do You Conduct An SEO Experiment?

Experiments??! Oh God this one remembers me my old blogging times. Really I was a scientist who does all the experiments and fails on it. When I was a newbie I’ve done many foolish experiments maybe that’s why I’m making some decent money now.

But don’t think that I’m an expert now, according to my point of view there are no experts in blogging as the blogging system is changing day by day.

Anyway coming to my point, now at the current blogging journey I’m not doing any experiments. It’s not because I’m a big blogger but really I don’t have time for doing these kinds of experiments.

And when I think there is a need of experiments I’ll surely do that but I love my blog a lot and I’m not ready to take big risks on that.

What kind of SEO Tools Do You Use And Why?

Yeah! Just like other blogger’s out there in the blogosphere I also use some SEO tools. The main SEO tool I use is Keyword Planner and Long Tail Pro. Even though both are keyword research tools I feel comfortable when I’m using both. The purpose of using it is quite simple; to survive in this SEO sea I need them.

Keyword research is one the important thing I do and if you find the best keyword then you just need to write the content with some On page SEO. It will surely boost your rank. Good rank is equal to good quality blog. Between I also use the SEO pressor plugin to analyze my OnPage SEO.

What blogs do you read? Tell me about an article you recently read that stuck out to you.

I Normally read some blogs which are on blogging niche and as well as some other niches too.

Especially I love reading ShoutMeLoud and and Aha-now also especially I get attracted to a title I will never miss reading it .And here is one the title that attracted me

A client asks you to build a strategic plan for their website. What steps would you go through?

A Strategic plan for a Website. Yes, if someone comes like that, I will ask some questions to them which will be related to their company and finally I’ll make a market watch of that company and its online competitors. After finishing these jobs I can suggest them with different strategy and they really differ with the type of the company.

What are the Secrets of Affiliate Marketing and are you associated with any kind of affiliates.

There are no secrets in my affiliate marketing. But as I said the super secret is gaining trust and If I made $100 from affiliate sales it’s just because of the trust I’ve with my readers. I use some hosting affiliate program which yields me a good income to make my living.

Hostgator is one of the best affiliate program I use and other affiliate programs like Bluehost, Shareasale, Clickbank etc. To be honest affiliate programs are really cool if you have some readers’ trust, so it’s time to build it up.

Do you use Blackhat SEO tactics in a white hat way. Like scrapebox …

Black Hat SEO is something scary in my point of view, because when I try it there is a chance for getting ban from Google. So I’ve decided to not try it and why Should I. Between I don’t really know about using Blackhat tricks in the whitehat way. I’ve heard that ScrapeBox is good and I’m going to give it a try sooner.

What are your biggest client hurdles?

“Client Hurdles” A bit confusing question, to be frank I don’t accept all the client requests but while managing my clients I had this feeling like one in the Olympics. In some cases it makes me feel funny. Yeah really when my clients are asking me to teach them about a thing which I’m not familiar with I get a mini heart attack.

But I won’t give up I’ll manage them with some stuffs and will learn about what they asked finally deliver them a worthy answer. I think this is a good way to learn new things.

On Optimizing a Site – Briefly Tell us what a Search-friendly Site Looks Like?

Actually a Search Engine Friendly website should look like a plain and bad looking one..!! Just kidding but there are some facts in that, if you are designing a well looking website managing headings etc. for good SEO is a difficult job on the other hand it’s kind of easy in a plain theme. But to survive in the current market we need looks.

According to me the first priority is readers if the readers are comfortable with the website looks then Google also likes that because Google is more interested in the comfortability of the users. So better keep a design which is comfortable with readers and I’m sure Google also likes that.

On Google – Tell me about the Latest Changes at Google ?

Yeah As I’m reading some blogs as I said, I’ve noticed some changes. I can say two of them – You’ll get Ad penalty if you place ad above the fold.  2. Guest Blogging For SEO is Kind of Dead. That’s for new.

Is Author Rank is the latest technique of off page SEO ? Do you think Google give preference to this ?

Yes, Ofcourse Google gives preference to it. If you have more Google+ followers you can get good rankings. And I don’t think this is a new update it’s here since some years. Whatever, try to build some followers it will really help in case of traffic and rank.

What Are Your Relationship Building and Outreach Skills?

As I said earlier building trust and relationship is behind my success and I won’t take a single decision which hurts or make feel like bad for my readers. Just like others I also reply to the comments interact with them through social media but the best part of it is that when you are recommending them the right thing then there is more chance for them to reach success there you earn real trust and it’s a best way to boost your sales, really I believe in that I hope that’s my Outreaching Skill.

Do You Share Your Strategies Transparently With the SEO Community?

Yes, I do! Because I never forget the way I came through. Once I was also a newbie and I really know the difficulty in learning blogging as well as SEO. Especially learning SEO without some help is really untolerable. So I arrange some group chats, Share some SEO tips and Of course through personal chatting also I help them at my maximum.

Do you have any Questions to ask, Do you have more  Marketing Strategies to share. So go on share in the comments below !!!

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