Neil-Patel Interview

Advanced SEO Link Building Techniques:Interview with Neil Patel of Quicksprout




Hey !! Today I got something big for all of you . I know you are excited to read another stunning interview from my interview series. icon smile BCIS 23: An Interview With Arun Prabhudesai from

 This weekend I am interviewing one of top entrepreneur in world  and he is none other than Neil Patel from

He is doing really well in Online Marketing and making his living online. He has become one of the top blogger & Entrepreneur   and I know everyone want to make money online like him. He is inspiration to many bloggers like me 🙂 I am really inspired by his story. So Lets start with Neil Patel .

 Neil-Patel Interview

Can you tell us something about your blogging journey. How and when did you enter into blogging? And who are your blogging role models?

I got into blogging around 8 or 9 years ago in hope to gain clients. My goal was to release free marketing content in hopes that it would build up my traffic and hopefully some of those visitors would convert into customers.

Over the years I started a few other blogs, and now I blog because I love it. I write on topics that I am passionate about and I don’t care to generate revenue from blogging.

As for role models, I look up to Matt from the Oatmeal. He is very creative, which is what has helped him come up with unique content marketing methods.

If you are familiar with Internet marketing what kind of tactics you use for your blog reader engagement ?

I always try to think of what my readers what be interested in. The best way for me is to think of a problem my viewers would have, and come up with a solution. When I write the blog post I relate to my readers and try to only provide them with valuable content no fluff. At the end of writing a blog post I ask myself “Does my reader benefit from this article?” If the answer is yes, I believe I did a good job.

What Is Your SEO Super Power?

The one thing that has helped me grow my websites more than anything is great content. Guest blogging, internal linking, blog titles all help, but those are all a smaller portion of the pie. I think  valuable content has and always will be rewarded by search engines.

How Do You Conduct An SEO Experiment?

I don’t really experiment with SEO anymore but for those who are starting out, I would read my article It’s free and has a ton of great SEO tips.

What kind of SEO Tools Do You Use And Why?

SEO MOZ has some good tools and I just launched one on my site as well. It’s on my home page, the tool is free, and will help you analyze your competition. The best way to grow your business is to study your competition and see how they are doing it.

What blogs do you read? Tell me about an article you recently read that stuck out to you.

I mainly read news oriented blogs like TechCrunch. The articles that stick out tend to be ones that talk about industry trends and what’s changing.

What are the Secrets of Affiliate Marketing and are you associated with any kind of affiliates.

I don’t really do affiliate marketing. It’s a huge market to tap into but I stick with SEO as it grows my business for long term benefits.

Do you use Blackhat SEO tactics in a white hat way. Like scrapebox …

I  try to avoid anything that sounds remotely blackhat / shady. Doing business that way will eventually catch up to you and all that hard work could get tossed away. So keep it legitimate, work hard at it, and it should pay off.

What are your biggest client hurdles?

Clients want immediate results. SEO is a long term strategy and it’s hard for people to accept that.

On Optimising a Site – Briefly Tell us what a Search-friendly Site Looks Like?

First I will tell you what it shouldn’t look like. It shouldn’t be spammy with links all over the place or a bunch of links to other peoples sites on the sidebar. It also shouldn’t have sentences that don’t make sense just for SEO purposes. I saw a dealership website that read at the bottom “Now serving San Diego, Carlsbad, El Cajon, etc. etc. with practically every city in San Diego. You don’t need to do that. Focus on what brings you the most traffic or business and stick to that. The site should have great content that people gain value from reading. If you are blogging, the articles should be at least 1000 words each. Short articles don’t do well with google.

Do you think 3rd party blog post links and ebook submissions are playing vital role these days ?

I think 3rd party blog post links do well, but google will penalize you for over doing it. I don’t think ebook submissions really help.

What Are Your Relationship Building and Outreach Skills?

When it comes to building relationships I always try to offer people help for free. Reciprocity has taken me to places I never imagined possible.  If you can help someone make money or grow their business just with an idea they will like you, and help you out when the opportunity presents itself.

Do You Share Your Strategies Transparently With the SEO Communities?

I do. There is no secret to SEO like I said it’s all about providing people with a good product or service and delivering good content. I give tons of guides and SEO tips on my blog at no cost.

So I hope you enjoy his interview on my blog. I am really glad Neil had put lot of efforts in this interview. If you like to ask any questions regarding this interview or you have any thoughts to share , please drop in the comment section. Your queries will be answered.  You can also Join BloggersIdeas on Facebook & Google+ for more similar updates.



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