Gangnam-style Content Marketing

The Secret Recipe of Content Marketing in Gangnam Style




Gangnam-style Content Marketing

                                                                           Image source:

A lot of webmasters buzz around for great quality content for SEO purpose, is that true that many webmaster pay attention to this line” create unique & fresh content , traffic will follow you “ . But to be true many of them dont follow this.

Well to be honest creating great quality content for SEO is always important. So you might ask many webmaster what is quality content, answer will differ wildly.

Now let us look at the chart below which highlights some of the areas that can make great content. although to rank higher in Google content must attract links from resourceful sources, if it does not rank well then you need to work deep in order to index in Google.

Build great content

If you want your content to rank well then it must be keyword focus putting maximum emphasis on chosen keywords.  Keep in mind content must be link worthy & it should be able to attract audiences.

 So let look at this closer with this chart below .

unique content writing

These elements are very important and one should keep this in mind while writing content.

Headings: These are the h1-h6 tags , you all may be knowing about these tags, but most important are the h1& h2 . Use these two tags very carefully with keywords you want to target. Include variation in h1 & h2 tags .

Bold Keywords: Make bold keywords if you want to make strong use it at the top of the content to gain maximum effect.

Outbound links: You can use the targeted keyword in your outbound links, it has been proven beneficial but try to incorporate it wisely.


Dont get attached to using exact match keywords, look for keyword variation as much as possible. Google now give preference to keyword variation instead of exact keywords.

Alt Attribute: This is very important technique to be used in images of the website. Try to use this tag efficiently. Focus on the main keywords of the page & this will enhance your rankings too.

Linkworthy content

Useful Resources: Try to get links from useful resources  around the web. This is very important while getting links from other webpages. The idea of resource page is that people will link back to it & bookmark it for future return.

 News Breaking: If you can break the first news into the web, it is very natural that your content get viral & it will spread widely on the net. This will help you to get direct links & it will also fetch you links from social bookmarking websites.

 Research: Always research in your niche well. If you dont research thoroughly then you might get low quality content with irrelevant data information. So always search your niche industry well, a good piece of research will automatically drive many of links to your website.

Controversy: This type of content has been used as spark in the Internet. Any sparkling controversy leads to get huge traffic , audiences mostly get attracted to these of linkbaits. Any hot controversy or ignited rumors can led to drive traffic on your website. But you need to use this very wisely in SEO before firing. Although it can create links but can also cause bad reputation to your site.

Humor: This can be used effectively to gain bloggers attention , a small humor in the content can grab reader attention. Humor must be interesting to hold reader otherwise they will bounce suddenly.

Structure Content is Important

Short paragraphs:

Your content should have short paragraphs, otherwise readers will not able to digest your content. They cant read long paragraphs, so it becomes unreadable for the users. So always have short paragraphs for user so they can enjoy reading your content.

Images: Try to have some images for user to understand them what is content about , it makes them curious & can engage them while reading.

Have some graphs, cartoon images, charts etc. so they rejoice while reading your content.

Headings: Headings are brainstorm’s, strong heading may gain user attention, so have enticing headings in your content. Title can be very powerful, so folks can be attracted to your website. This technique works well for most of the webmasters.

Spelling & grammar: Carefully avoid spelling & grammar errors. This may force user to bounce from you site, if they find too many grammatical errors in your content, they will find it unreadable, it will turn off your readers and also they may question your credibility.

Natural flow :

Giving your content natural flow will help users to follow you,  reaching conclusion also attracts readers. While jumping from statements to statements make reader annoy, they will just press the back button on browser.

 Social media Content

Owner of Ann Smarty  is having several posts regarding content marketing.  So I hope this will be useful to all bloggers who always search for good content marketing ideas. I am big fan of this awesome lady. She had impressed me by her writing skills and her enthusiastic power in blogging world. She is SEO queen for me.

Blog Link:

Now Back to Post again :). If you haven’t heard this term linkerati ,I will explain you what is it & how it can be useful for your website.

Linkerati is a term that describe web users who are possibly to become the target of a linkbait campaign.

Linkerati have the potential to create an effect on web site traffic flow owing to their enthusiasm to generate and share links. They sometimes generate quality links that facilitate websites to achieve higher rankings within the search engines results.

In doing this, they assist websites boost their traffic, which might be redirected to a lot of earnings via selling product or services,selling promotion spots, indicating links to data  on different websites.

So user always try to search new piece of information on the Interne , So you must know from where folks are getting hang out, you can also use the search trends like Google trends to track out latest buzz.

So here comes the role of social media, so try to get involve yourself in social media. The folks are always connected to social network , they search latest buzz on social platform. So social platform is linkerati. So start engaging in social world & add people to your circles. Find your niche specific people & start interacting with them.

But one thing here is important dont Spam your links in social network, try to share genuine links, if you start spamming , folks will start unflagging you straight away.

These are some techniques that will help you write & share good content . So try to follow these & it may take time to apply , but do this as appropriately.

Do You have any questions, ping in the comments below, I will answer your query 🙂 



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