Jock Purtle interview-digital marketing expert

Discussing Why SEO Still Matters for Brands


Hey you bloggers we are back again with another stunning interview session!

As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we have  Professional SEO Expert Jock Purtle and he is the founder of Digital Exits

He ‘ve become pretty much a fanatic for all things having to do with SEO & blogging, driving traffic to your blog and building relationships with your readers.

Lets explore with Jock.

Jock Purtle interview-digital marketing expert

First of all thanks a lot for accepting my interview proposal. I and my readers are very pretty glad to have you. Please tell us about yourself and your educational background.

Sure. My name is Jock Purtle and I am the founder of Digital Exits. We are a website broker firm that helps online entrepreneurs sell business. If people want to know what their online business is worth they can get an appraisal from one of our brokers for free.

I was educated at the university of western Sydney, Australia. However my main business education came form my parents businesses and working in them since I was at a young age.

What are your favorite social media tools? Which tools do you prefer to use to increase user engagement?

I also think Facebook is a great communication tool between people.

I like LinkedIn especially for business contacts.

Regarding user engagement I love using email. Our mail email client is Mailchimp. We also use Disquis comments for increasing user engagement.

Do you fear the possibility of web surfers having their browser’s  auto-clean cookies at the end of every browsing session? What if this becomes a default feature on browsers?

I am not as worried about this as others. Although this helps in many remarketing campaigns. If you have a good audience that naturally live to read your content you shouldn’t be worried about this.

Clickbank seems to be the big thing among affiliate marketers. Do you use this extensively as well, or most of the offers you promote come from other places?

A lot of my clients use Clickbank. It is the largest website in it’s division and provides a simple and easy service to start selling products online. There are a variety of places that you can find offers. I personally think the best strategy for affiliates is to go direct to the end user and get a private affiliate deal.

How do you measure success of any SEO campaign?

The main way we measure the success of an SEO campaign is

a) the increase in rankings for the keywords that we are targeting and

b) the increase in SEO traffic that we receive. You should also be measuring your sales from organic traffic as the main metric as well.

Suppose you are getting rebranding their name. What steps you will perform while rebranding. How you will promote your company’s new brand?

The major thing I would do is communicated with existing customers. I would look for modern branding that reflects the values that you are trying to portray in the market.

What type of email marketing services you use for your clients?

The main services are just general email blasts. We use Mailchimp as our provider.

What type of content marketing should be done in case of rebranding? Will press releases will help.

I think press releases will help. However the main thing is communicating with your customers the reason for the rebrand and also the direction of the rebrand. If you take the recent rebrand of you will see that they have created a whole set of values in and around the rebrand. I think that is the best move.

On how many social media accounts you are active on, please tell us?

I currently have three. Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn.

Do you think referral traffic helps in rakings on SERP? ? What are your thoughts on this?

No. I have done many SEO campaigns and the level of traffic to your website is irrelevant in ranking in the search engines.

How to make blog a brand among the top competitors in blogging.

The main thing is regular content. And also content that is exceptional. This is going to help you become one of the top brands in the market place.

Do you have suggestion for my blog, what things you didn’t like at bloggersideas, be frank in your answer?

I would do more guest posts on other people’s sites to increase your image. Blogging is all about authority and if you get known as the person for “X” then that is going to help your cause. I would create longer posts on more authoritative topics. I would also create some info graphics for the site.

If you have any questions  about this interview, please do ask in the comments below !

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