Interview with James Reynolds

Interview with SEO Marketer James Reynolds: Sharing Traffic Increasing Strategies


As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we have James Reynolds, the founder of Veravospecialists in helping business owners get more traffic and make more sales. His company provide traffic services and training that help increase the overall responsiveness and profitability of your online marketing

Lets explore with James about his expertise.

Interview with James Reynolds

First of all thanks a lot for coming on my blog James, you made my day by accepting my interview request. Tell me something about yourself and your educational background ?

I’m a British expatriate living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. I landed up in Dubai after moving with a photography studio in 2006. I was general manager for the photography business, and that was my only job after leaving college. College wasn’t great for me, I dropped out twice.

What are your plans for the future?

Continue to grow a kick ass traffic agency. I love life in Dubai and can see myself based here for a while longer.

 What’s the next move for your company and what can we expect to see in the near future?

Historically we’ve been an organic search agency, but recently we’ve been investing more in our paid search division called Click Jam. I’ve taken on a key hire to head up this division and we are now better positioned to deliver fully integrated campaigns across several channels. Within our core services we offer organic search (SEO Sherpa) and Pay-Per-Click on Google, Facebook, Yahoo and a few other select platforms (Click Jam).

How to optimize 404 page errors on websites?

Keep a close eye on your Google Webmaster Tools account for any issues Google has crawling your site. Most often you would deal with 404 errors (not found pages) by redirecting the not found URL to another relevant URL on your site. This will ensure you don’t lose visitors who try to visit your site via ‘dead’ URL. You can set up search engine friendly 301 redirects via the HT Access file on your website’s server.

 Additionally I recommend you add a custom 404 error page for your site. Hint –  these pages are great for collecting leads, so consider putting an offer/opt in bribe on your 404 page. LeadPages have a great 404 error page template for this purpose.

Google Recently launched Panda and many big businesses got badly affected by it, did any of your sites got affected by it ?

Thankfully few (if any) of our customers were affected by Panda. The Panda update devalued low-quality website’s with thin content. Our customers are typically larger established businesses with substantial sites.

We did however have some customers affected by Google Penguin. In all cases these companies had worked with other agencies in the past who had implemented various manipulative link building campaigns. When Google refreshed the algorithm to filter the spammy links the sites lost ranking and impression share.

We were able to recover the website’s results by balancing out their link profile with good links.

What is the reason behind your Blogging success ?

Consistency. Most blogs fail because they lack stick sticktoitiveness.

How to increase your facebook shared post reach to your audience ? Any ideas.

Aside from share-worthy content, making your snippet appealing is important. Include a custom Facebook share image formatted to the size required for news feed and write a compelling title and description. When your link looks appealing you will get you more clicks and shares. Buzz Feed do this very well.

Without Knowing Much About Technology, How Can I Launch an Online Service Platform?

Work with specialist who do know about technology. One of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs is doing it all themselves. No successful person ever made it on their own.

How Can I Turn Price-Sensitive Shoppers Into Customers. Any uggestions in comparison to where I work )? 

A couple of tips I got from my friend Ezra Firestone that will help to increase conversions ;-

1. Add a “why buy from us?” page on your site.

2. Use video on your products pages explaining features and benefits and what they can expect after they order.

3. Beneath the cart button add your USP’s.

How to handle guest post spam request ?

I don’t accept guest posts on my site’s so I just reply with no 🙂

Matt cutts is now against guest blogging. Would you still prefer guestblogging. What to do best in guest blogging ?

I love guest blogging and do as much as I can. But, guest blogging is not (directly) an SEO activity.  What Matt Cutts is against (and rightly so) is people using guest blogging, generally on low-quality sites as a way of building backlinks.

Use guest blogging to grow your reach by getting in front of other people’s audiences. Target website where your market hangs out and write your very best content for them. This will expose you to new people who may later become customers or subscribers.

What are the risks involved in Entrepreneurship Please tell us ?

There are many, but with higher risk comes higher reward.

Suppose if you were not SEO geek today, what you would be then.

A rugby player. I played for Northampton Saints who are the current English Premiership champions until I was 20 years old.

 If you have any questions  about this interview, please do ask in the comments below !

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