Interview with Florin Birgu: Sharing Online Marketing Strategies for 2014

Sharing Online Marketing Strategies for 2014


Hey you bloggers we are back again with another stunning interview session!

As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we have Freelancer & Professional online marketer Florin Birgu, he is skilled  in programming and technology, who would be sharing his experience in online marketing. He is currently working at & always keen to learn new stuff in online marketing.

Lets explore with Florin Birgu.

Interview with Florin Birgu: Sharing Online Marketing Strategies for 2014

First of all thanks a lot for coming on my blog Florin, you made my day by accepting my interview request. Tell me something about yourself & your educational background.

I’m glad to be on your blog. Well, I’m self taught for most part. I started out as a developer since high school, but later during college I got interested in internet marketing to promote my services.

Later on I started to get good at it, so I started offering online marketing services too.

What are your plans for the future?

Currently I’m working on where I plan to launch some useful marketing tools that will help users with their online campaigns. Working in the internet marketing field is something I enjoy doing either with eggmetrics or by consulting clients.

What’s the next move for your company and what can we expect to see in the near future?

I will launch a beta version most likely next month and then depending on the feedback add more features. I plan also to develop other cool tools and write more useful guides.

Feedback and data will influence a lot our future decisions for the company, and I expect to see constant growth.

Please define term “Niche Blogging” and guide us to make a perfect Niche blog to make some money.

Niche Blogging refers to writing articles on a blog for people belonging to a particular niche, like online marketers and bloggers in our case.

Write great articles that people will find interesting like guides, the impact of important news in the industry or case studies, but don’t forget to focus a lot on catchy titles since most of the time that is what people will be seeing first and also focus on.

To find profitable keywords for your articles you can go sign in to Google Adwords and use the keyword planner tool.

Type several keywords in your niche, after that you can download the table and multiply the search volume and the CPC and this way you can find the value of that keyword.

What are the risks involved in entreprenuership. Please tell us.

High overhead costs is an important one, you have to limit spending when you are starting up. Another risk would be having a product that people don’t want, before building anything make sure you make first a MVP(Minimum viable product) to test the market.

That way you will save time by not creating a product that people won’t buy. You can create just a landing page without having a finished product and pay ads to see if people would be interested in it.

Suppose if you were not SEO geek today, what you would be ?

Most likely I would have been focusing more on programming since is something I enjoy doing. I guess I would say that my programming skills help me become a better marketer because if I ever need a tool to do a certain task then I can just create it.

For example, I needed once to analyse the backlinks of a client, but instead of copy pasting them in the browser I made a free tool to help me go through them a lot faster.

How to optimize 404 page errors on websites.

First I would make sure the response code is indeed 404, then I would have on it some links to popular resources to keep the user on the site. This way you can also lower bounce rate.

Or you can get creative with it and post something funny on it and you can submit it to funny/creative page lists like

Google Recently launched Panda and many big businesses got badly affected by it, did any of your sites got affected by it.

No, actually some sites actually improved their traffic. Even for online shops I recommend them to write good product descriptions in order to get better rankings, copying a product description wont make you rank higher, you should add more value to it such as a review or.

Must Read: SEO Tips From the Experts [Infographic]

It’s good to monitor your rankings in order to detect a penalty as early as possible and take action. If your rankings drop because of an algorithmical I recommend visiting Search Engine Roundtableto find out what could be the cause.

What is the reason behind your Blogging success ?

Targeting good keywords, catchy titles and promoting the articles, you can’t just rely on search engine traffic, and then hope someone will link to them.

Many popular blogs today were very active in promoting themselves. Wordstream is a great example and here you can see the strategies and methods they used in order to increase their traffic.

According to you, what are the best ways to promote a Blog?

Social media and SEO for me are the best ways to promote a blog. If you don’t have many followers you could reach out to influencers in your niche to give you a boost.

Also websites like Reddit, Digg and Stumbleupon are a great way to get a boost in visitors.

How you are building relationships with your Readers? How you make them stick on your blog?

The way I accomplish this is by trying to make interesting content so hopefully they will remember the website and return to it. Another way is to offer them a reason to follow us on social networks or subscribe, for example you can offer some exclusive content available only to subscribers.

Penguin Proof, Panda Proof link building – Do those things exist? (I’ve been seeing link builders package or talk about this one on their services offered)

I would suggest to keep away from automatic links since it might be harmful in the long term if it doesn’t comply to Google’s guidelines.

Recently even churn and burn sites aren’t as effective as they used to be, so I recommend people to have a long-term strategy and build a brand through your website. Also removing spammy links can take a lot of time and effort.

What is your biggest success & failure in SEO? Please share with us.

Success in SEO is usually slow and steady, this is how you win this race. I guess one of my biggest success would be removing penalties for several clients.

And one of my biggest failures is not realizing sooner the importance of good content and actively promoting it. The benefits of it is not only the direct traffic but also the increase in SERPs.

Why do you think Online marketing industry would sustain your interest in the long haul?

It’s something I enjoy doing and it’s a growing industry. We’ve also seen a major shift of the marketing budget from offline advertising to online campaigns.

Online marketing offers a better audience targeting and detailed reporting, which means more value for the money our customers spend as compared with traditional media and offline advertising in general.

As long as there will be a need for more profits, there will also be a need for industries that can make it happen such as online marketing.

If you have any questions  about this interview, please do ask in the comments below !

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