Is it a Good Idea to Conduct a Link Building Campaign with No-Follow Links?

Is it a Good Idea to Conduct a Link Building Campaign with No-Follow Links?


To improve your search engine rankings, it is important to increase the number of backlinks. It involves placing links on other websites and direct people to your own web page. As you don’t have to place the other website’s link on your website, you can also call it one-way link building. Google takes these links as votes in favor of your website.

The only thing you need to bear in mind is that the link will hold SEO value only if you place it on a website with do-follow tag – Google bots cannot index a link with a no-follow tag.

Many people often ask exactly why different websites use no-follow tags if they offer no SEO benefits. Interestingly, it’s no black-hat thing to put no-follow tags on links. In fact, it works differently – it is an effort to keep spammers from putting spam messages or links on comment sections, and that’s probably the reason why WordPress comment sections come with a default no-follow status.

What many people don’t know is that affiliate advertising also comes with no-follow links, and that’s mainly because Google discourages the use of active links on adverts. It all suggests that no-follow tags are a lot more common than most people think.

You need to bear in mind that all your link-building efforts will go wasted if your backlinks are on a website that Google cannot index. That happens because the links section on that website has no-follow tags. Even if the Google search spider finds the page, it will not index the links due to no-follow tags. Therefore, there is no SEO benefit of such links.

It is true that most people conduct a link building campaign for better search engine rankings, but their ultimate goal is always to get more traffic to their website. That’s exactly when every new link that you build can lend a helping hand. It is due to this particular reason that even if you have placed your link on a website where they have no-follow tags, you will still receive new traffic.

Of course, you won’t experience any SEO benefit, but the change in traffic may be quite evident.

There is a dirty side to no-follow links, and it may interest you if you’re into spamming. Interestingly, you can spam away as much you want if Google doesn’t index a link or a page – you won’t have to worry about Google penalties in this situation. It is due to this particular reason that you can consider setting up spam bots and spam your links online with ease. Of course, it’s not the ideal thing to do, but you can definitely take it as an option.

Many people often ask the reason why Google don’t punish people who break its spamming rules using no-follow links. It’s true that Google won’t index these links, but they can definitely read them. It means it’s not difficult for them to see if a website is trying to spam links over the web. There is no real explanation for this, but Google says it’s a waste of their resources to find such spammers and punish them.

With every new search engine update, like the Hummingbird, Penguin, Panda, etc., it is easy to see a change in rankings, backlinks, and other SEO aspects. This often affects so many websites and change their rankings completely – you may have your website placed at the bottom of the results. Whatever the case, you will notice no change in your no-follow backlinks.

It implies the fact that even if you have spent days and weeks in building no-follow links, you won’t have to change them after every Google update.

The fact of the matter is that though you don’t receive any specific SEO benefit with no-follow link, you still end up making your website popular, as even no-follow links will help generate more traffic for your website. Once you have made your site popular, other people will talk about it on social media networks and you in turn will enjoy indirect SEO value.

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